Soft take fotos in pontianak
Tourism Trench Nanas The goverman city pontianak make the area trench nanas,urban village or optream,north pontianak,As a tourist area ditch or water. Beginning of the introducation of tourism is marked by a cannoeing competition that followed by one hundred participants from to student and public on 27-28 august 2016. Mayor the pontianak city is sutarmidji belives that canoeing by using a paddle can keep the river or ditch so shallow this activity should be held periodically "this canoe race should often be in the title here,later access to the location wo improve so that people can more easily see it",he said. 2 . Khatulistiwa park If you have trip to pontianak,it will not be complete if you do not visit the monument of khatulistiwa,because this monumen is the main icon of the city pontianak.if you want to visit this monumen you cand find it on the road khatulistiwa,nort pontianak But at this time monument becomes khatulustiwa park that will be...