1.What was the little of the book/the article?
answer : Explore animals.
2.Who was the outhor of the book/the article?
answer : By Nina Strochilc.
3.Why do you choose that chapter/the article?
answer : Because i'm want take care animals with good superior cats and I loke article scienci of the cat.
4.What was it about?
answer : Because do you really must know your cat,and you must know the science of the cats.
5.What do you think about the book chapter/the article?
answer : My opinion on the article is very good,because we can know about the cats.
6.What is the must interesling fast of the chapter/the article?
answer : dogs and cats were tasked with solving a puzzle study in the journal of comperative psychology found dogs looked to humans for help wiyh and impossible task while cats kept trying on their own.
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